Saturday, June 29, 2013

Part 121 - The King of Eolim

 The King of Eolim – What is Man’s Ultimate Potential
As I walked, in my mind, I began to remember a part of a story my father had written titled "The King of Eolim," which was published in 1975.  The starting point of the story was Earth in the year AD 3300 when space travel was as common as a drive across the country.  To eliminate overpopulation and overcrowding on Earth, colonies had been set up on the multitude of Earth-like planets that had been discovered in the Universe; the youngest colony being three hundred years old, while some of the older ones were more than a thousand years old.

Genetic engineering had produced a highly intelligent human that still looked and functioned much like a human from the year 2014, but with significant differences.  The physical challenges had been relatively easy to conquer- aging had been slowed dramatically, physical deformities were a thing of the past, and human bodies were as perfect as genetic engineering could make them; diseases of all types had been eradicated.

The conquest of the intellect was a harder nut to crack; it would always be a work in progress, but the socially acceptable minimum IQ for survival had to measure at least two hundred on the new IQ scale.  On the old IQ scale, a rating of 140 was on the threshold of genius, but in the current society, such mentally deficient offspring were considered Retards and were disposed of by euthanasia by age twelve at a maximum.

Morten Bradwell was a highly respected and very competent genetic engineer, whose personal mandate was to make humans better than the previous generation.  His sixteen-year-old son, Freeman Bradwell, was a Retard and should have been disposed of years ago, but Morten considered him his son and loved him and refused to put him away.

The part of the story that truly intrigued me was a game father and son played called Universe.  The purpose of the game was to build a universe of galaxies, star clusters, planets, solar systems, and other objects in the space of a game room that measured ninety feet high.  The objects were metallic spheres and particles that were suspended in a specially adapted magnetic field within the confines of the playroom.

Players used high-powered personal computers to calculate the weight and mass of the spherical objects and to pinpoint the precise location or coordinates to place the objects in space and then relied on tractor arms or mechanical levers to place the spheres in the universe according to the coordinates supplied by the computer.  A miscalculation in the weight or mass of the object or the coordinates for placement, in relation to all other objects in the universe, would cause the universe to collapse and fall to the floor; the player causing the collapse was not only the loser, but was then open to ridicule for his/her ineptness.  Playing time could go on for hours.  The father, Morten Bradwell, always used the computer for play, while Freeman, the Retard who had no concept of how the computer worked, played by instinct.  Or, as he would say, “What I do, just feels right.” [2]

That’s the end of the story, as far I want to relate it, but keep in mind the concept that my father had outlined here – the ability to create a Universe in microcosm - one, by using a sophisticated computer; or two, doing so by discerning intuition – “It just feels right.”

One of mankind’s most intellectual and brilliant scientists was Albert Einstein; certainly there were and are many like him in all fields of scientific endeavors, but Einstein is a name that is most recognizable.  He was born in Ulm, Germany, in 1879, and died at age seventy-six in 1955 in Princeton, New Jersey.

Fast forward now to two days after his death.  His mortal body is being prepared for the funeral; relatives and close friends are gathering to pay their respect to a truly great man, but Albert himself is now beyond the veil in the world of spirits.  He’s with his parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles; they recognize him and are happy to see him.

Other than no longer having a corporal body - that will be returned to him later - remember, that’s why we celebrate Easter.  Has Einstein changed?  Just because he’s on the other side of the veil, has he lost his intellect, his thirst for knowledge, his drive to understand the mysteries, the unfathomable and incomprehensible secrets of the Universe?

Is he not still inquisitive; is he not still searching for knowledge and understanding of all that he now sees going on around him in the spirit world?  Einstein is still Einstein; his personality and intellect is still intact but he’s now in a position to be taught by teachers and instructors who comprehend and understand how the Universe was put together.

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